Fertility options exercise

This exercise will help you think about what is important to you for each fertility option.

  1. Go through each fertility option and check how important the listed factors are to you
  2. Add in any other factors that are important to you

Making a decision on family planning can be emotionally difficult. Consider filling this out with a member of your healthcare team you trust, with your partner or support persons.

Please note: you can decide on more than one fertility option. You do not have to make your fertility decision after completing this exercise.

Wait and See

There is no cost

I can start my cancer treatment right away

I do not need to inject myself with hormones

I have other parenthood options available to me after treatment

I do not need additional visits to the fertility clinic

This process may add to my emotional stress

I may be unable to have a natural pregnancy after treatment and may regret not keeping my options open

Embryo Freezing

My children will be genetically related to me and the individual who provided sperm

If I use sperm from my partner, we both must decide what to do with the embryos

I can test my eggs for a BRCA mutation

I may regret going through this process if I am able to have a natural pregnancy after treatment

Sperm is required to create embryos so I need to have a male partner or use a sperm donor

There may be cost to create, freeze, and store embryos

My treatment may be delayed 2 or more weeks

I see an embryo as a living person. I may find it hard to decide what to do with them if I do not need them after treatment

This process may add to my emotional and physical stress

I may still not be able to have a child after freezing embryos

I will have to travel to the fertility clinic frequently for monitoring and egg collection

Egg Freezing

My children will be genetically related to me and the person who provided sperm

I can freeze some eggs and some embryos at the same time

Sperm is not required at the time of my egg freezing

I can test my eggs for a BRCA mutation

I may regret freezing my eggs if I am able to have a natural pregnancy after treatment

It is not as successful as embryo freezing

There may be a cost to remove, freeze and store my eggs

My treatment may be delayed 2 or more weeks

This process may add to my emotional and physical stress

I may still not be able to have a child after freezing my eggs

I will have to travel to the fertility clinic frequently for monitoring and egg collection

Ovarian Suppression

I can start my cancer treatment right away

My children will be genetically related to me

I can use it with the other fertility options including embryo and egg freezing

I do not need extra visits to the fertility clinic

There may be a monthly cost

I will go into menopause and may have symptoms

I may still not be able to have a child after treatment

Research is still ongoing. This option may not work to protect my eggs from chemotherapy


Which options am I leaning towards? Check all of the below options that you would like more information on.